Sunday 5 September 2010

StarshipSofa Wins a Hugo!

There we go. It is official. StarShipSofa has become the first podcast, ever, to win a Hugo.  It was announced today, at the award ceremony at the Worldcon in Melbourne. I've been a huge fan of this podcast for a while now and I am so pleased for Tony C Smith.  --And of course one of my stories was on the Starship earlier this year, so does that mean I played a small part in it? A 1/104th part? (two stories that week). It would be nice to think so. (A 104th part of a Hugo, woo-hoo, that's probably the closest I'm ever likely to get to one.)
It's worth seeing Tony's reaction when the awards are announced. I've put in this link to the live video feed. I've watched it a few times and I'm still smiling.
Tony C Smith, Way to go, squire!

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